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 1. Bill Cohen  Lake Erie property rights dispute continues  (c) 2008, WKSU 
 2. Bill Cohen  Dispute over whether Ohioans should vote on payday loans continues  (c) 2008, WKSU 
 3. Mitchell M. Gans, Bridget J. Crawford, Jonathan G. Blattmachr  Postmortem Rights of Publicity: The Federal Estate Tax Consequences of New State-Law Property Rights  Yale University 
 4. Nat Baldwin  Lake Erie  MVP 
 5. Back Forty  Lake Erie  2009-04-18 - The Tap Room 
 6. Boca Chica  Lake Erie  Lace Up Your Workboots 
 7. Murray N. Rothbard  15. Human Rights as Property Rights  The Ethics of Liberty 
 8. William Craig  Lady Binnie and shores of Lake Erie  Edison Gold Moulded Record: 9893 
 9. Small Ball Podcast  Small Ball Podcast #3 - The Lake Erie Crushers   
 10. Cato Institute  Property Rights on the March: Where from Here?  Cato Institute Half-day Conference 
 11. Jim Harper  Property Rights in Spectrum  Cato Daily Podcast 
 12. Scott Bullock  The Property Rights Fight  Cato Daily Podcast 
 13. Jim Harper  Property Rights in Spectrum  Cato Daily Podcast 
 14. Jim Harper  Property Rights in Spectrum  Cato Daily Podcast 
 15. Cato Institute  Property Rights on the March: Where from Here?  Cato Institute Half-day Conference 
 16. Danielle Conway-Jones  Hawaiian Intellectual Property Rights  HPR Points of Contact 
 17. Cato Institute  Property Rights 21st Century  Cato Institute Book Forum 
 18. Danielle Conway-Jones  Hawaiian Intellectual Property Rights  HPR Points of Contact 
 19. Wes Bertrand  Episode 83 - Property rights violating government, contracts and volition, persuasion over force  Complete Liberty Podcast 
 20. Paul Jacob  Good Property Rights Make Good Neighbors  Common Sense, December 15-26, 2008 
 21. Shami Chakrabarti; Jonathan Cooper; Professor Conor Gearty; Baroness Helena Kennedy QC; Professor Francesca Klug; Professor Peter Townsend  Human Rights Day Event: The Right of Rights 1948-2008  LSE Public Lectures and Events 
 22. Phillip Molly Malone  Molly's Monday Machinations - 7/10 have won the TV rights and who gets Internet rights  Molly's Monday Machinations - AFL 
 23. Yann Tiersen  La Dispute  Ici D'Ailleurs   
 24. Yann Tiersen  La Dispute  Le Phare   
 25. Yann Tiersen  La dispute  Amélie   
 26. Caleb Bingham  A Forensic Dispute  The Columbian Orator 
 27. Elizabeth Bushey  erie  Elizabeth Bushey's Album 
 28. Elizabeth Bushey  erie  Elizabeth Bushey's Album 
 29. Elizabeth Bushey  erie  Elizabeth Bushey's Album 
 30. Elizabeth Bushey  erie  Elizabeth Bushey's Album 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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